What is a restricted driver's license in Tennessee? Often you hear that you will lose your license in Tennessee if you are convicted of a first offense DUI, is that true? Yes, in Tennessee upon your conviction for a first offense DUI you will have to forfeit your license to the Tennessee Department of Safety, and if you are eligible then you may apply for a restricted driver's license. http://nashvilleduiinfo.com
If you meet certain criteria in Tennessee you may apply for a restricted drivers license. Some of the criteria are; you may not in the last ten years have had a prior DUI; you must obtain SR-22 insurance; no prior conviction for vehicular homicide; aggravated vehicular homicide; or vehicular assault by intoxication. If you meet these criteria you may apply for a restricted driver's license from the judge that heard your case or plea.
So you might ask, on a restricted driver's license in Tennessee where can I drive? Under 55-10-403(s) there are many places you may drive, some places include safety programs ordered by the court, college classes, litter pick up, religious services, and work. However one should note that being a part time student or those searching for work, does not meet the criteria.
Where do you have to go to get your restricted driver's license? In Tennessee once the judge signs you order you must take two certified copies of the Order along with your SR-22 insurance to the DMV station. It is there you will take the eye exam and driving test to obtain your restricted license.
Will the judge sign the Order for my restricted driver's license in Tennessee if I owe court costs and fines? It depends on the county you are in, some counties in Tennessee will make you pay a fraction down on the costs and set you up on a payment plan, other counties will make you pay the entire amount before they issue you the Order to take to the Tennessee DMV station. It is entirely up to the jurisdiction you are in.
Can You Get a DUI From the Passenger Seat?
1 year ago
I think you should haved to ride the MTA bus for a year, after that I dont think you would ever want to get another DUI in Tennessee.
if you get a DUI in Williamson County, you should pack your lunch, not much leniency, but that is way it should be, I think.
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