Friday, October 10, 2008

Nashville drug possession attorney

It is not an easy thing to be pulled over by the police, but sometimes when you are driving down the interstate you may notice some large white blazers parked in the middle of the interstate, 24, 40 or 65, these are generally 20th judicial drug task force officers, including drug sniffing dogs. Every time that you are pulled over by a police officer it involves a 4th Amendment issue, was the stop legal? Was there a reason to stop you and search for drugs? What was the reason?

Sometimes as a criminal defense attorney I find that in the police officers attempt to find people with drugs, they forget to follow proper procedure in the drug search. Should your rights have been violated during the drug search, I will fight vigorously to suppress the evidence that the police obtained. All illegally obtained is considered fruits of the poisonous tree, and must be suppressed.

In defending a drug crime involving a search one needs to focus on the fourth Amendment issues. More and more these issues are a result of a stop by police officers (in search of drugs) on a motorist on the interstate. It is my job as a criminal attorney to make sure that your rights are protected against such violations. Whether the search revealed medication that did not belong to you, marijuana, cocaine, or other narcotics, the 4th Amendment issues must be protected in every clients stop. I will fight hard to protect those rights.

Under case law in Tennessee even just being in the same room with drugs does not prove they are yours, or that you have ever ingested them, many times I have represented individuals who have been at parties where drugs were found in another room, they were charged, but under the Tennessee case law a very favorable result was had due to proper research and protection of 4th Amendment rights.

There must be probable cause to search, not the police going on a hunch or guessing, but real facts to support probable cause. It is just simply not enough to think someone has drugs in Tennessee, you must have far more than that to proceed with a search. As a criminal attorney in Tennessee I will make sure and review every part of the search to uphold your rights.

During the course of my practice as a criminal attorney I have filed suppression motions in Tennessee courts, I have tried class A felony drug charges to a jury. In reviewing your facts, if we find that your rights were violated we will work hard to suppress the fruits of the illegal search.

I have defended people for misdemeanor drug possession all the way up to class A felony drug possession, give me a call today and let me review the facts of your case.
You may contact the law office at (615) 308-2633, we look forward to hearing from you.